Poison ivy is a significant problem in our neighbourhood.  When you see it, take the following actions:

  • Roadsides and paths – Please call the Township at 705-526-4204. They will spray the roadways.
  • Your neighbours – Let them know about the location of the poison ivy.
  • Your own property – You should kill or remove the poison ivy as described below. Please check your property and develop a plan to remove poison ivy if you find it.

When skin encounters poison ivy sap, the allergic reaction can be painful. The best way not to meet poison ivy is by identifying where it is, avoiding it, and having it removed before it spreads. If you have visitors, make sure they are aware of poison ivy, can identify it, and will avoid it.

Pet owners should take extra care. Pets can unwittingly meet the plant and the poison ivy oil can stick to their fur and rub off on anyone who pets/touches them.

Where you’ll find poison ivy

Poison ivy can be found all over the Cawaja Beach community. It grows in a variety of different areas:

  • in forests or fields
  • in sunny or shady areas
  • in dry or wet soil

The plant is particularly common:

  • at the edge of forests
  • along fences, beach, and entrances to the beach
  • on roadsides

Get rid of poison ivy

As poison ivy has harmful effects on health, it is important to prevent it from growing and multiplying. Before getting rid of poison ivy, make sure you do the following:

  • Correctly identify the plant.
  • If you plan on using chemical-control methods, hire an expert to avoid harming your health and the environment.
  • Protect yourself before touching a plant to avoid allergic reactions if your skin encounters sap from the plant.
  • Always wear protective rubber or nitrile gloves.
  • Wear a long-sleeved shirt and long pants to prevent your skin from encountering the poison ivy sap.

Even dead poison ivy plants can cause allergic reactions. Handle these carefully as well.

Pull the poison ivy

  • To obtain effective results, pull the plant and its roots, as well as the underground stems.
  • Pull the plants in the spring once the leaves are blooming and when the ground is still wet. Removal of the plant is thus more effective.

Prevent the poison ivy from growing

  • Work the soil often to destroy seedlings before they form complex roots.
  • In the spring, smother the new shoots by covering them with mulch (ideally, thick black plastic). Leave the mulch throughout the summer, and even for more than a year.
  • Bury dead plants at least 30 centimetres (one foot) deep. You can also place them in a heavy-duty, tightly sealed garbage bag. Make sure you identify the contents of the bag to inform and protect those who may handle it.
  • Do not compost the plant.

Never burn poison ivy plants

Inhaling the smoke produced by burning poison ivy plants can have very dangerous consequences. It can lead to extremely painful inflammation of the lungs and serious respiratory problems that can result in death. 


Once you’ve gotten rid of all the ivy, you’ll need to (carefully!) take off your clothes and wash them in cold water. You can wash your gloves as well, or just dispose of them. You’ll also need to clean any tools you used with mineral spirits or rubbing alcohol.

Spraying poison ivy–homemade spray
Use a holistic spray of 1 cup (237 mL) Epsom salts, 1 gallon (3.7 L) of 10% vinegar (salad vinegar is 5%) and 8 drops of liquid dish soap.  Mix all together into a spray bottle and spray the leaves of the plant until they are nearly saturated. This approach can be less effective than chemical herbicides, so the plants will need numerous sprays in a season.

Hiring a company to spray for poison ivy removal in Tiny Township
Weedman – (705) 526-5977
Harbourview – (888) 936-0714
Norman’s Gallery – (705) 526-4361